Analyst Coverage

Below is a list of individual analysts that we are aware of that currently follow DouYu

Please note, that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding performance made by these analysts do not represent DouYu​ or its management team.  DouYu​ is under no obligation to update this list, thus it may not be complete or up to date.

 Firm  Analyst  E-mail
 86Research  Charlie Chai / Wenni Ruan
 Bank of America Merrill Lynch  Lei Zhang
 BOCI  Raphael Chen
 CCBI  Ronnie Ho
 China Renaissance  Yiwen Zhang 
 Citi  Brian Gong
 Haitong International  Yulin Zhong / Sara Hu /
 HSBC  Ritchie Sun
 Jefferies  Thomas Chong
 J.P. Morgan  Alex Yao / Daniel Chen /
 Morgan Stanley  Alex Poon
 T.H Capital  Tian Hou
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